Hey there all you crafty friends!
It's the first Monday of June and that can only mean one thing...it's Wood You Like to Craft time!!!
I'm kicking things off with the full tutorial for this month's inspiration project.
You'll find all of this month's craftiness on my blog,
Be sure to check back there all week for the other projects created by the WYLTC ladies-you know you don't want to miss what they come up with. And then it's back here Friday for the link-up party.
Remember your projects this month can be a knock-off of mine or your own creation using this month's theme STARS!!!
The link will remain open for one week before the "Top Cut" is announced.
Also new this month, kits to create the star lantern are available for purchase HERE.
There is a limited number available, once they're gone, they're gone.
(unless you ask really nicely)
Have a great week, see you and your project back here on Friday-

Cute! Thanks for sharing! I was too excited about this month's theme, I've had my project done for over two weeks now. haha
I jumped over to your blog and took a peek! It's darling, can't wait for everyone else to see it too!
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