Happy Thursday crafty friends!
Sorry for the tardiness of my post but life is crazy these days.
Wendy here today to share a bit of my organizational needs with you.
This theme is so very needed in my life these days, we just moved from Southern Texas back to the Pacific Northwest and my house is in desperate need of some organization because I'm pretty sure moving boxes don't count! I went for a pretty simple project today for a few reasons. One, because I do need them and 2, because all my tools are still packed, so simple it is!
So here's my plan: make a little crate for each of my girlies. Place said crates into the laundry room and fill with each little ones clean clothes. Holler at the little ones to come and get their clean clothes and then they magically disappear and return to the laundry room empty!
Cross your fingers it works...
Anyway, these would be so great for a playroom, the bathroom, a bedroom, even by the front door to collect shoes. And they are so much cheaper to make than to buy.
Here's what you need:
Pine 1x10 by 8 (that's enough for 4 crate ends)
5 gallon paint sticks (buy at Walmart or get for free at Lowe's/Home Depot)
**I used 16
Cut the pine board into 1 foot sections, you'll end up with 8.
I then used a boring bit to drill two holes at the top and then my jigsaw to cut the rest of the channel to create hand holds. You can totally make these with out these. Or get creative-- drill two small holes at each end and tie a rope or ribbon for a handle, add store bought drawer pulls, what ever suits your needs!
Cut the paint sticks to the length you want your crates and then attach them to the side boards with nails and glue.
I used 6 on the bottom and 5 on each side, the spacing is just shy of 1/2 and inch on the bottom and 1/4 inch on the sides.
Once your crate is together, get personal!
I painted mine to match bedrooms--you know so they won't get lost from the laundry to the bedroom.
I typed out my daughter's name on the computer, adjusted the size, printed and then used that image to create a stencil with some contact paper. Applied the stencil and black spray paint.
My cri-cut would have been a WHOLE lot simple but it's still buried in a box somewhere.
And really, I think I like the paint better...
Only 4 more to go in my step to claiming one room of this house!
Best of luck in your organization efforts
{and please feel free to send me a little bit of that, goodness knows I need it!}
Have a great weekend and happy crafting.