Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Snowman~Crafty Sisters

Like Krystal I have that "Do you want to build a snowman" song stuck in my head too!
In my house there isn't much shelf space available to it has made me a wall hanger kind of gal.
I love having something seasonal hanging out my front door to greet everyone and this little guy did the trick!

I have always been a doodler and that's how Candace and I really started crafting together.
We'd see all sorts of cute things in stores that were crazy over priced or the image would be on a cute card and we'd think "wouldn't that be cute hanging on my door"?
So with this snowman project I doodled out on a big sheet of packing paper what I wanted out of my snowman project.  Of course I had to ask Candace first since she's my craft co-conspirator!
I cut the main body out of 1/2" MDF so it's not too heavy to hang up.

The hat brim, the carrot nose and the mitten top were cut from 1/8" MDF.  The key to great looking projects is having different textures and thickness.  It's amazing how that snowman nose is so much cuter as a separate piece of wood than just painted on.  It's worth the extra work.
I didn't paper anything this time~can you believe it?  I free handed a few snow flakes on the mitten and some stripes on the top.  The scarf was a piece of fleece that's 50% off this week at JoAnn's.  I drilled two small holes on each mitten side to thread some wire on for easy hanging.  Super easy project I promise!!!

I love it! Can't wait to see what the other gals do!  Thanks for the great theme Krystal!

Snowman built!  Check!  Happy Tuesday everyone!~


  1. Oh my he is cute!!! I LOVE the mitten body! What a great idea!!!

  2. Adorable...as are all of your crafts.

  3. If I passed by your house and saw this on the door, I'd have to smile! Super cute, I love all the fun, bright colors.

  4. Cute! And I just found your blog and plan to follow it.
