Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Under My Umbrella Turkey Fun!

Hooray for Thanksgiving decor!  I'm always a fan of a holiday where eating is the big event.  My main thought this month was making a turkey something type of craft.  The other thought in my mind was I have all those coffee filters from last month's Halloween craft and what great turkey feathers they could make.  All those thoughts combined formed my craft idea for this month....A coffee filter Turkey!

I grabbed some scrap MDF and cut out a turkey body shape, beak and feet. I used the pattern I made a while back.  You can find it HERE.  I then hot glued coffee filers onto my turkey's body.  Easy but time consuming!

Then grab a bunch of burlap, lace and extra fabric.  Whatever I happened to have at the time in my stash was used :)   I hot glued them the strips on a board I cut shaped like a rainbow for his tail feathers.  Again...easy but time consuming.  My kids decided to go and get the flu this weekend so I was home bound.  Nothing better to do when at home than craft an adorable little turkey!  My kids love to play with his feet hanging down!  

The family just put in their vote for his sign to say "eat ham" instead of "Happy Thanksgiving".   Everyone is a crafting expert here and love to voice opinions!  They also feel he should have eyes.  I like him just the way he is!

Happy Turkey Day!


  1. Oh my word he is seriously adorable! I think that's my favorite turkey I've ever seen. Gonna have to make one!

  2. Love those dangling feet! So cute! Great job Melinda!:)

  3. You were right, the coffee filters are pretty darn cute!
