Monday, April 9, 2012

Umrella Planter Tutorial from Craft Goodies!!!

Welcome to WYLTC and APRIL SHOWERS!!!

I love Spring! So when my month to host WYLTC ended up being April I was nothing but smiles.
I love the sight of all the color coming back, the grass and tree, the birds that sing endlessly, and the flowers!!! Those first little sprouts of soon-to-be tulips and daffodils are pure joy to me and I wanted a way to show them off. My project for this month was the perfect way to do that... 

Here's what I used to make my umbrella planter:

1/2 inch and 1/4 inch MDF
Wood Glue and Staples
PAINT in bright spring colors!
1/2 inch eye screw
Glitter, Ribbons, Puffy Paint
Tulip bunch and greenery

I started by drawing out the umbrella parts and figuring out the planter. The planter sits on a slight angle so that it wouldn't stick out to far off of my door and is on the smaller side because I only wanted a few flowers tucked inside there.

Then I traced the patterns onto the wood and cut them out with my jigsaw. The handle and planter pieces are each cut on the 1/2 inch MDF. The umbrella and panel pieces are cut from 1/4 inch MDF.

I painted everything next, just base coats--no detail yet, distressed the edges and then glued the planter box pieces together and the umbrella pieces together.
 {I aded a few staples to the plant box just to be safe, but really, they weren't needed.}

Once the planter box was good and dry, I glued it to the umbrella pieces and then ran and did a load of dishes while it dried.

At that point the "hard" stuff was over and it was time to decorate!
I added the line details with white puff paint, drew on the little circles with the puff paint and loaded them up with iridescent glitter. Once everything was dry it got a good coat of sealer.

I added the eye screw into the back of the handle, ran a ribbon through it to hang it up. And then added my bow to the front of the planter.

And last...

Added the greenery and flowers and hung my little umbrella on the door.
It's so fun to see this when I pull into my driveway--totally makes me smile.
I hope your spring is full of fun and flowers and even a shower or two.
 I can't wait to see what the other ladies have made to go long with
this month's theme of
April Showers.
I can't wait to see what all of you come up with either, be sure to check back all week. You're sure to find something to inspire you...
{just a quick note, you can find the kit for this planter in my shop. Be sure to check it out!}
Happy Crafting!


  1. I love it! I loved your tutorial... that's really cool how you put the planter box behind it. I was wonder how you got the flowers in there :) Great job as always. you make the cutest things!

  2. I agree, the planter box behind it is brilliant! Love it all, thanks for the great inspiration Wendy! Can't wait to see what everyone else does!:)
