Stare if you must built her own built-in shelves. I know! This spot use to be a window before a room was added on it got sheet-rocked over So Felicia ripped out the sheet-rock and built the shelves to fit the space. Amazing job! It looks incredible Felicia!
Lyndsey from Lyndsey's Craft Spot built photo gallery shelves from Ana White's Plan. This particular project is also on my to-do list so its a ton of fun seeing how someone else did them. I love her arrangement too. The best part though, a $5 price tag!
Bloom in Color created this beauty of a shelf for her son. She was inspired by Pottery Barn, but hers is better! I love that she cut the side pieces herself. Way to go!
And finally, the winner of our "Top Cut" goes too....
Sweet Suite 10 who made this bathroom shelf! I love the great use of space here and that her shelf extends the counter top, but the reason it wins top cut is the sheer genius of using a cutlery tray to make the drawer. Brilliant!
Thanks for all the inspiration and to all those who participated. If you were featured you can grab a button HERE.
Next month the Crafty Sisters will be leading us in a fun Halloween Project. More on that to come! See ya then!
I am glad you like my gallery shelves!! They are sooo easy and affordable!! I hope you do make some :)