Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Kitchen EAT Letters-Crafty Sisters

Hello from Crafty Sisters!
We loved Krystal's Kitchen theme this month and we have a fun set of
EAT letters that are perfect for decorating in your kitchens.

We thought it would be fun to show 3 separate sets that we've put together from the
same set of letters that we cut from 3/4" MDF.
You can also find unfinished letters to use in your local hobby store but if you are adventurous enough to try cutting out your own check out www.dafont.com for a huge selection of fun fonts you can use.

All you will need are wood letters, paint, Mod Podge, scrap booking paper and your embellishments.

With these sets we used a fork we got at the thrift store and flattened it with a rubber mallet to create a sign holder that says Bon Appetit!  We glued it on with some E6000 which works great gluing metal.
 There are so many cute little embellishments you can use~by the way Hobby Lobby has a great sale this week on all sorts of little embellishments 50% off!
Here is another set we did with neutral black and white papers.
It's always amazing to me how you can personalize a set of letters to make them your own!
This watermelon inspired set were some I put together for a client and I cut out a separate little watermelon to go with them.  They turned out so fun!
Thanks for the fun theme Krystal~we love your menu planner!

1 comment:

  1. So cute!!! I love the fork! What a fun embellishment. I never would have thought of that!!!
